
Determining How __________________________ Impacts _____________________________

(independent variable) (dependent variable)

Problem Definition:

This lab will investigate how __________________________ affects _____________________. The independent variable(s) in this lab was(were) _____________________________________ since they were the manipulated conditions. The dependent variable was __________________ _____________________________ since it was the condition that was measured in order to determine the impact of the independent variable.


If ____________________________________________________________________________

(the independent variable is changed in a certain way)

then _________________________________________________________________________.

(the dependent variable should change in a certain way)

This should happen since ________________________________________________________.

(explain why it should happen)

Materials and Methods:

Write out a complete list of materials needed in order to complete this lab (including sizes, quantities, etc.). Then develop (numbered) steps for someone to follow in order to repeat your experiment.


PRESENT ONLY RAW DATA THAT YOU HAVE COLLECTED IN THE LAB. ALL CALCULATIONS (such as finding density, acceleration, etc.) should be done in the ANALYSIS SECTION.


The data in Table 1 illustrate how the temperature of the hot water changed in each paper cup over time.

Table 1: Cooling of warm water in the aluminum insulated and non insulated cups.



5 min.

10 min.

15 min.

20 min.

25 min.

30 min.

Aluminum Foil Cup

Water Temperature

70o C

55o C

48o C

43o C

40o C

38o C

36o C

Paper Cup

Water Temperature

70o C

52o C

45o C

41o C

37o C

35o C

34o C


This section should:

    1. Perform any necessary calculations. (e.g. Density, Acceleration, etc.) EXAMPLE:

Table 2: Calculation of cooling rate of warm water in the aluminum insulated and non insulated cups.




Total Temp. Drop

Total Time Elapsed

Cooling Rate

Aluminum Foil Cup

Water Temperature

70o C

36o C

34 C o

30 min.

1.13 Degrees/min.

Paper Cup

Water Temperature

70o C

34o C

36 C o

30 min.

1.2 Degrees/min.

  1. Identify patterns and relationships (or a lack there of) in the data and calculations. EXAMPLE:
  2. The results of this lab imply that an aluminum foil wrapped cup (36o C after 30 minutes) has a slower cooling rate than a plain paper cup (34o C after 30 minutes). Throughout the lab, the temperature of the foil wrapped cup consistently exceeded the temperature of the plain paper cup.)

  3. Graph important relationships (or a lack there of) in the data and calculations (if appropriate).
  4. Point out inconsistencies (or a lack there of) in the data & calculations.


Use this pre-writing tool:

EXAMPLE: Does the presence of aluminum foil change the cooling rate of the water?


  1. Aluminum foil finished with a temperature of 2 degrees higher than the plain paper cup.
  2. (FOR)

After 30 minutes:

· aluminum foil cup = 36° C

· paper cup = 34° C

  • The aluminum had a slower overall cooling rate than the paper cup.
  • (FOR)

    • Aluminum cup = 1.13 ° /min
    • Paper cup = 1.12 ° /min
    1. The difference in cooling rate is very small.


    • Aluminum cup's cooling rate was only 0.1 ° /min slower than the paper cup

    Then just take these ideas and formulate them into a paragraph.

    NOTE: All explanations of WHY the data occurred are placed in the conclusion section.


    This section of the report should include:

      1. A statement of what has been found in this experiment, which is directly related to the problem and hypothesis. (SUPPORTED BY THE DATA)
      2. An explanation of WHY the data occurred.
      3. Implications of the experiment (what can the results of the experiment be applied to?)
      4. A discussion of the experiment’s validity: